Misty Lynne

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Mother, Homeschooler
Location Colorado
Introduction The first 18 years of my life were spent in Sacramento, CA. After high school, I left for Utah where I graduated from Brigham Young University with a BS in zoology, minoring in family science. While there, I met my husband, Seth, got married, and had my first kid. Soon after, we headed off to law school (for Seth) in Laramie WY where we had our second kid. After that, we traveled down to Colorado where my husband took the BAR and set up his own law practice, followed by the birth of our third kid. Currently I'm a homeschooling mother of three. I keep myself busy with teaching my kids, all that homemaking stuff, gardening, reading, and going on daily walks/swims/bike rides. I have also taught swimming lessons, lead the three year olds at a summer camp, and worked in a pastry kitchen. I'm also thinking of doing a triathlon some day.
Interests Planning, walking, swimming, biking, reading, cooking