Pearlene Friday

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Religion
Occupation Registered Nurse; Liscensed and ordained Minister of the Gospel; Associate Chaplain.
Location Macungie, Pennsylvania, United States
Links Audio Clip
Introduction Due to life's trials, having being healed nurtured, guided, shielded and protected by the Holy Spirit, Rev. Pearlene has been developed and cultured like the Pearl in the oyster by her Heavenly Father. These painful experiences has taught her much about GOD's undying love and wisdom. Her mission as He has commissioned her, is to share His love and freedom in Him to the Body of Christ and to lost souls. She has a passion for mentoring and imparting Godly wisdom to the younger women, teaching them to be daughters of the King. For those who are married, teaching them to be Godly wives, honoring their husbands, loving and nurturing their children leaving memories and legacy, while making their homes a haven of rest and a place of comfort for all who enter. Rev. Pearl is a Prophetic intercessor. She completely trusts the Holy Sprit to lead her as she goes into our Father's presence.
Interests Studing God's Word, ....Theology, Loving wife to Tom and mother to her children, cooking, sewing, gardening, interior decorating, writing, mentoring the younger women.
Favorite Movies Home alone, Preachers Wife, The Sound of Music.
Favorite Music Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
Favorite Books The Bible and Amish Novels