Lily Riani

My blogs

About me

Introduction An archeologist lost in a corporate manager’s body, Lily has been travelling in search of her greatest archeologic discovery since she was 17, not to mention looking for her misplaced trowel, handbroom & hat. Armed with wonder and curiousity, she started her journey at the great European landmarks in Rome and Paris before crossing the Atlantic to chase further clues in the United States. And now over 20 years and 4 continents later, after adding a camera, BlogSpot and Social Media to her inventory, she uses her rusty but sharp magnifying glass of an eye and her trusty but gutsy instincts to hunt down the road less travelled to find the extra in the ordinary lives of Asian Pacific culture. So enjoy this blog of hers, which chronicles her travels - recent and old - and try to see where she is coming from.
Interests Traveling, reading, googling, crafting & photography.
Favorite Books DK Eyewitness

Where? Where? Where?