My blogs
Blogs I follow
- <link></link> <description /> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:28:56 +0000</lastBuildDate> <generator></generator> <language>en</language> <sy:updatePeriod>hourly</sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency>1</sy:updateFrequency> <atom10:link xmlns:atom10="" rel="self" href="" type="application/rss+xml" /><feedburner:emailServiceId xmlns:feedburner="">ilona-andrews-blog</feedburner:emailServiceId><feedburner:feedburnerHostname xmlns:feedburner=""></feedburner:feedburnerHostname><item> <title>Where are we?
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- (a modern-day) Margery Raves On
- Author Sarah Laurenson
- Bibliophile Stalker
- BookEnds Literary Agency
- Combreviations
- Come In Character
- Edited to Within an Inch of my Life
- Flash Fiction
- Hilary T. Smith
- Hot damn, Charlotte Ann!
- In the meantime...
- JetReidLiterary2
- Katherine's Mom's Blog
- Lara Moretti
- Latte Morning
- Lydia Sharp, author &amp; editor
- McKoala Days
- My Daley Rant
- NaNoDeMo
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Not Eating That
- Once Lost Home Goods
- Pack 112
- Pimp My Novel
- Pixie's Book Reviews & Ramblings
- Short Stuff
- Six Inches Isn't Long Enough
- The Clarity of Night
- Unhinged...Seriously
- Writing Classes for Homeschoolers
Occupation | Sales Weasel |
Location | United States |
Introduction | I throw one major party every 4-5 years. For whatever reason, this is the year. My kids have birthdays three days apart, so they will celebrate on the same day. With two distinct themes. |
Interests | Reading, Music, Running, Hiking, Family, Cooking, Wine-particularly Argentinean, religion, and a love hate relationship with politics |
Favorite Movies | Any LOTR, Braveheart, Sabrina (1996), Once, The Red Violin, Dangerous Beauty, Any Will Ferrell, Juno was pretty great, Waiting for Guffman, Boondock Saints, The Princess Bride |
Favorite Music | Peter Gabriel, Bach, KD Lang, Johnny Mercer, Christopher Parkening, Crowded House, and an embarrassing penchant for Original Broadway Cast Recording of _________ musical-pretty much any one. |
Favorite Books | Children's Lit-all kinds, Fantasy, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Everything That Rises Must Converge, The Sound and The Fury, Run With The Horsemen trilogy by Ferrol Sams, Norton Anthology-pretty much any one, Edith Hamililton's Mythology, Hans Christian Anderson Unabridged Works, The Sparrow and Children of God by Mary Doria Russell, Pathology by Carol Porth (I know...not really what is meant by the question.), Anne Rice (non-dirty), Maia by Richard Adams, Laurie King's Mary Russell series, Bartimaeus trilogy, anything by Neil Gaiman |
Aren't papier mache cuts the worst?
Never had one. The paper is too mushy to cut skin by the time you handle it. A papier machete cut, however, might give one pause.