Justice for Iraq
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Introduction | Justice for Iraq is an intiative of Iraq Occupation Focus. The US ‘Surge’ in Iraq, has been hailed as a success in the main stream media. The Brown government has been insinuating that the UK’s involvement is coming to an end. They are attempting to lull us into a false sense of 'an end within sight'. We reject the idea often put forwards mainly by the supporters of the war, 'either continuation of the brutal occupation or withdrawal and abandonment'. We reject either options, as we know that there can be no genuine peace without justice. We therefore are launching a campaign called 'Justice for Iraq'. This campaign presses for urgent as well as long term issues affecting the Iraqi people. Addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people, alleviating their suffering in every possible way, putting an immediate end to US military operations, handing over all Iraqi prisoners in US custody to the Red Cross and preparing for a complete withdrawal are some of the immediate demands. Canceling the debts, paying reparations, and compensations are some of our post withdrawal demands. |