My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Teawagontales
- Avon Romance Blog
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- !!!IMPORTANT!!! All content has been moved to MAMACHEE.COM
- 'SIBOL' - Sunshine International Blankets of Love
- ..
- ...the bookworm...
- .: Meet Me At Mikes :.
- // - LA FEMME READERS - //
- 100 Scope Notes
- 10th Annual Graphic Novels & Manga Challenge 2017
- 1330v
- <big> Wastepaper Prose </big>
- @PageTurnersBlog
- A Bookworm's World
- A Broad Abroad
- A Buckeye Girl Reads
- A Garden of Books
- A Reader's Respite
- A Storied Life
- All About {n}
- All Lacquered Up - A Nail Polish Fanatic's Resource
- Alliebunni's Blog
- Along For the Ride
- an adventure in reading
- Ana Paula&#39;s Amigurumi Patterns &amp; Random Cuteness
- Angieville
- Angstcrafted
- Anjas
- As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves
- At Home With Books
- Aussie Maria
- Beauty Broadcast
- Becky's Book Reviews
- Bella Dia
- Bellas Novella
- Bending Bookshelf
- Bermudaonion's Weblog
- Best Week Ever
- Beth Fish Reads
- Beth Kephart Books
- Bites
- Bizzy Crochet
- Blinded by Books
- Blogging Basics 101
- Bombarded with Books
- Book Binge
- Book Blogger Convention
- Book Blogger Rebellion
- Book By Its Cover
- Book Chic
- Book Reviews by Jess
- Book-lover Carol
- Bookalicious
- Bookalicious Ramblings
- Bookfan
- BookHounds
- Bookish Bent
- Bookishly Attentive
- Books and Movies
- Books By Their Cover
- Books make great lovers!
- Books on the Brain
- Books, Movies, and Chinese Food
- bookshelves of doom
- Bookshipper
- Bookworm Readers
- Brooke Reviews
- Bugs and Fishes by Lupin
- C. Leigh Purtill
- Cake Wrecks
- casual dread
- Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
- Chick Loves Lit
- Cindy's Love Of Books
- Coco Rose Diaries
- Coffee and Cliffhangers
- Confessions
- Consumed by Books
- Covered
- Craft Leftovers
- Craftside
- Cute Craft Tutorials, Handmade Toys, Printable Crafts, Kawaii Plush by Fantastic Toys
- Cute Overload
- Daniel's Daily Drawings
- Dear Author
- Design Gossip
- designer jots
- Destination: Pop Culture
- Devourer of Books
- Diary of an Eccentric
- Dissecting Perfection
- DIY Projects, Inspiration, How-tos, Hacks, Mods & More @ - Tweak Technology to Your Will
- Dreaming In Books
- Dulce Candy
- Easy, Breezy, Beauty
- Editorial Anonymous
- Elizabeth Scott's Blog
- Em's Bookshelf
- English Major's Junk Food
- Exile in Goyville
- Falling Stitches
- feeling stitchy
- Fiction Vixen Book Reviews
- Fiddlesticks - My crochet and knitting ramblings.
- Fiolinn
- floresita - things I&#39;ve made
- Foxs Lane
- Freckled Nest
- French Press Knits
- Frenetic Reader
- from my bookshelf
- GalleySmith
- Garden of Books (For Teens)
- girljordyn
- Gleeks United
- Gossamer Obsessions
- GraphJam: Music and Pop Culture in Charts and Graphs. Let us explain them.
- Greedy For Colour
- GreenBeanTeenQueen
- Handle Like Hendrix
- Hannah Moskowitz
- happy loves rosie
- Harlequin Enterprises, Ltd.
- Harmony Book Reviews
- Heidi Bears
- Holland Handmade
- home
- Home Girl's Book Blog
- Hooking Along
- Hoot-N-Annie
- Hope's Bookshelf
- hopscotch lane
- How About Orange
- i am neurotic.
- I Dare You to Accept This Challenge
- I Eat Yucky Stuff!
- I Should Be Writing
- illuminession
- In Bed With Books
- in which a girl reads
- Ink Engine!
- Invincible Summer
- It's a swell life...
- Jane Foster Blog
- janicu's book blog
- Jenn's Bookshelf
- Joey's Dream Garden
- julia crossland ~ artist
- Just Your Average Crazy Writer
- Just Your Typical Book Blog
- Justine Larbalestier
- Kalifornia Love
- kami garcia
- Karin's Book Nook
- Katie Green Bean
- Katie Kirk Illustration
- Katie's Book Blog
- Katie's Bookshelf
- Kidlit Con 2010
- Kiss My Book
- Kitschen Pink
- Kittling: Books
- Knit and Seek
- Knit Purl Gurl
- La Fée Crochette
- Laina Has Too Much Spare Time
- Laura's Review Bookshelf
- Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf
- Leave a Mark
- Letters, Words, Thoughts, Ideas, Stories...
- Library Lounge Lizard
- LibraryThing
- Life According to Missus Vonkysmeed
- Life on Laffer
- Linda Gerber, YA Author
- lisa and laura write
- Literologie
- little dear tracks
- Little Miss Crafty
- Liv's Book Reviews
- Love To Read For Fun
- Lovely Package® . The leading source for the very best that package design has to offer
- Lovin' Me Some Romance
- Lucid Conspiracy
- MacLeanSpace
- make awesome.
- Make Nice: Craft
- mandas challenges :)
- MariReads
- Maureen's Blog
- Maw Books Blog
- Medeia Sharif
- MiA
- Michelle Zink
- Mishaps and Adventures
- missglamorazzi
- MrXStitch
- MTV Books
- Muse Books Reviews
- Museum of Mistakes
- Musings of a Bookish Kitty
- My Craft Blog
- My Favourite Books
- My Friend Amy
- My Hobbies
- My Owl Barn
- My Tragic Right Hip
- MyissaG's Crochet
- mynestofyarnandbuttons
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- NessasaryMakeup
- Never Knew
- Nihrida
- Nikki Phillippi
- Nini Makes
- Nocturnal Reviews
- Nouveau Cheap
- Novel Noise
- OhHi Shop Blog
- OMG! Books!
- On Our Minds @ Scholastic
- Once Upon A Bookshelf
- One Bookavore and a Stack of Romances
- OnlinePublicist
- orange you lucky!
- P.S. I Love Books
- PaisleyJade
- Park-Avenue Princess
- Peeking Between the Pages
- Penguin &amp; Fish
- People of Walmart
- Persnickety Snark
- Pirate Penguin's Reads
- Po(sey) Sessions
- Pr*tty Sh*tty
- Presenting Lenore
- Pub Rants
- Quietly Stitching
- Ramblings by Bird
- Read Bree
- Read This Book!
- readergirlz
- reading comes from writing
- Reading Keeps You Sane
- Rebecca's Book Blog
- Reel Artsy
- Reviewabook123
- Reviews of Young Adult Literature
- Romance Book Tours
- S. Krishna's Books
- sarah ockler :: author of TWENTY BOY SUMMER
- Sarah's Blog
- Sarah's random musings...
- Savvy Verse &amp; Wit
- Shalonda's Blog
- Shannon's Sweet Valley High Blog
- Sharon Loves Books and Cats
- she reads and reads
- shelved books
- Shhh I'm Reading...
- Shooting Stars Mag
- Simon Pulse Romantic Comedies
- Smexy Books - Romance and Urban Fantasy Reviews
- Smokinhotbooks Blog
- Snark &amp; Bark
- So Many Books, So Little Time
- So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
- so september
- Steph Bowe
- Steph Su Reads
- Stevista
- stickers and stuff
- Sublime Stitching - This ain't your gramma's embroidery!
- Suravi's Amigurumi Adventures
- Susane Colasanti - Journal
- Suz Place
- Tales of the Ravenous Reader
- Tami's Amis and Other Creations
- tangled happy
- tanskiknits
- Teen Book Review
- Teen Fiction Café
- Ten Cent Notes
- ten cent notes
- that one girl emily
- The (Pop) Cultural Elitist
- The Allure of Books
- The Art of M. S. Corley
- The Bargain Librarian
- The Book Blogger
- The Book Cellar
- The Book Lantern
- The Book Mark
- The Book Muncher
- The Book Obsession
- The Book Pixie
- The Book Resort©
- The Book Vault
- The Book Zombie
- The Bookologist
- The Boston Bibliophile
- The Bradford Novels
- The Chick Manifesto
- The Compulsive Reader
- The Contemps
- The Crooked Shelf
- The Daily Nail
- The Daily Nail Reviews
- The Dreamer Reader
- The Fictionistas
- The Happiness Project
- The Hiding Spot
- The Infinite Shelf
- The Inkwell Bookstore Blog
- The Intrepid Reader and Baker
- The Knight Agency Blog
- The Misadventures Of Super Librarian
- The Movieholic &amp; Bibliophile&#39;s Blog
- The New Crochet Cowl Scarves
- The northern monkey knits and natters
- The Perpetual Page-Turner
- The Picnic Basket
- The Readings of a Busy Mom
- The Royal Sisters
- The Rushmore Academy
- The Secret Adventures of WriterGirl
- The Shady Glade
- The Story Siren
- The Teashop Girl's Blog
- the TV addict
- The Writer Who Went Too Faaaaaaaaaaa... *thud*
- The YA Lit Six
- The Zen Leaf
- the(EPIC)rat
- thepopculturedivas
- Ticket to Anywhere
- TLC Book Tours
- Totally Looks Like... Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes
- Trisha's Book Blog
- Trisha's Crochet Blog
- trueromance
- Unclutterer
- Underage Reading
- WatchMeBe
- Wave At The Bus
- We love YA
- What Bri Reads
- What Was I Reading?
- Whatever I want.
- Wild Olive
- worducopia
- write meg!
- YA Author Trish Doller
- YA Book Realm
- YA Edge
- YA Fresh
- YA Librarian Tales
- YA New York
- YA Reads
- Yarny Inspiration
- Zoe's Book Reviews
- ~on beauty stuff and what else's....~
- ~Up Close &amp; Personal with LadyTink~
- ~~~Lara Zielin~~~
Gender | Female |
Industry | Arts |
Location | United States |
Introduction | I'm a graphic designer that has a lot of interests. I like to read, watch movies/tv, listen to music, be crafty and buy makeup by the boatload. Email me at aleareads(at)gmail(dot)com I'd love to hear from you! |
Interests | media of all types including books, music, movies, tv, magazines, blogs, bookmaking, zines, comics |
Favorite Movies | The Royal Tenenbaums, Amelie, Ghost World, You Me and Everyone We Know, Rushmore, The Breakfast Club, Marie Antoinette |
Favorite Music | All Wes Anderson Soundtracks, Marie Antoinette Soundtrack, Peter Bjorn and John, Band of Horses, MGMT, Santogold my tastes are always evolving, i've been listening to indie radio a lot lately |
Favorite Books | The Great Gatsby, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Namesake, The Tipping Point, Willow, Attachments |
Why do you think honeydew is the money melon?
It tastes gross just like if you tried to eat money.