Brown Flopsy

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location London, United Kingdom
Introduction I am an avid reader and love all that is bookish - audio, paper and e-books (Kindle).

Former Secondary School librarian, but I tend to mainly read books aimed at adults now.

I enjoy a range of genres, but my favs are literary fiction, historical fiction, sci-fi and mystery. A memoir/biography goes down well too!
I am a keen cook & baker & and collect cookery books too!

I accept review copies from publishers & authors - inc. audio books. I prefer e-books in the .epubi format for Kindle. I do blog tours, with sufficient notice.
I am not currently accepting review requests via my blog, but please come and say 'hi' on Twitter or Instagram to talk books.

I always give honest reviews & the opinions on this blog are my own. I can also to be found talking about books on Twitter & Instagram (@brownflopsy). I always review on Goodreads & Amazon. I am an active member of Netgalley.

My own images are copyrighted & are not to be shared without permission.
Interests Books, Cats, Food and Cookery, Crafting, Travel.
Favorite Books Too many to list, but Jane Austen and Agatha Christie will always have a special place in my heart. ��