John R. Hoaglund, III, Ph.D.

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About me

Industry Environment
Location Irvine, California
Introduction Dr. Hoaglund is a geologist with more than 20 years of experience in environmental research, teaching, and consulting in the private sector, government, and academia. He received his BS and MS degrees in geology from the U. of Wisconsin, then worked in Kansas with the KGS to find supplies to replace the depleting Ogallala Aquifer, followed by environmental consulting on cold war legacy ground water contamination. He next completed his doctorate in geology from Michigan State U, completing a USGS regional model of the Michigan Basin used to calculate modern and Pleistocene ground water and brine discharge to Michigan rivers and the Great Lakes. He taught hydrogeology and modeling, environmental geology, and glacial and climate geology at the U. of Michigan before joining Pennsylvania State U research on NSF regional climate-hydrologic models, and USDA nitrate studies. Since moving to southern California, Dr. Hoaglund has resumed work on cold war legacy ground water contamination, and energy consulting related to water resource development, desalination, renewable energy development, hydrogen production, and CO2 sequestration.