Serena Michelle

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Creative Writing, Promotions & Marketing
Location San Diego, CA, United States
Introduction Between being a wife, a mom, working at home, and homeschooling - I quite literally teeter on the brink of insanity most days. As any mom (and wife) knows - there are no days off. Blogging is my haven! My own special place where I can discuss the madness of my life; my frustrations, thoughts, creativity, goals, projects, etc... Essentially I’m just throwing it all out there in an effort to survive the madness that is me and my life! The grass may not be greener over here - but at least I can still call it grass!
Interests Islam, cooking, baking, writing, reading, sewing, cloth diapers, home schooling, baby wearing
Favorite Books All novels from the following Classic authors:, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell), Modern Books:, Harry Potter, The Help, Room, The Lying Game, The Notebook