Irena Madzarovska

My blogs

About me

Location Resen, North Macedonia
Introduction Hi! I am Irena Madzarovska, an English teacher and a food lover. I never got to know my Granddad. All I know is that he was the kindest person on earth and… he loved cooking. I’ve heard many stories about his skills in the kitchen. He was such a good cook that all the ladies from the neighborhood used to ask him for recipes and some cooking advice. He died young and never had a chance to meet any of his grandchildren. So the stories about him and the love people that had a chance to meet him feel in their hearts is the only thing that I have from my grandad. Looking through some old books I found the cookbook which my grandfather used to use. It’s an old edition published in 1956. I cannot explain the excitement and the warmth I felt in my heart looking at the recipes and my grandfather’s handwriting in all the notes he had written about the recipes. It was almost as if I was meeting him for the first time. So, I decided to start cooking from my granddad's cookbook, to start getting to know him through the food he liked and cooked. OK, here I begin Cooking with my Granddad.