
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Museums or Libraries
Occupation space mostly...
Location Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia
Introduction After the crash markets attracted my curiosity. Fairly scary aspects of reality were invisible to the mainstream but inevitable, I saw. Primarily, that a major secular shift away from financial assets to commodities and precious metals is underway disguised by what I call "classic late empire credit bubble dynamics"; enabled by financial engineering, marketing and electronic networks. As far as can still see, peak everything is the real deal and resources and alternate energy the stuff from which futures and fortunes will be built, but only after a massive crash and recession.
Interests The Sciences, History of Philosophy, Technology and Ideas. Markets (investment themes, trading systems, the psychology of wealth creation). Macroeconomics (currencies, bonds, geopolitics, global trends, precious metal price performance under stressed fiat regimes, politics of monetary policy) Alternate energy systems.Permaculture. Architecture.
Favorite Movies Monsignor Quixote, 2001, Adaptation, Kurasawa, Girl With Pearl Earring, Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, Trainspotting
Favorite Books Science Fiction, Biography, Rama, 1984, Niven, Egan, Bear, Clarke, Vinge