Tristar Culinary Institute

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Industry Education
Location Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Introduction Tristar Culinary Institute. Flexi: 031-81639992 - 83109709. Sekolah Kuliner & Akademi Perhotelan. Jln. Raya Jemursari 234 Surabaya. Telp: 031 8433224-25. HP: 0817321024. Esia:031-91938824 Kampus Baru: Jln. Raya Tenggilis no. 68. Surabaya. Sekolah Kuliner Pencetak Chef. Sistem Studi: Praktek Setiap Hari.
Interests Kursus Kuliner Privat & Kolektif dengan metode peserta praktek langsung membuat produk makanan (Hands On). Kursus Cara Memulai Usaha Cafe, Resto & Catering. Belajar Bisnis Kuliner di Sekolah Masak Fun Kitchen @ Tristar. Program Ekskul Kuliner & Handicraft untuk sekolah SD - SMP - SMA. Info: Info: Flexi: 031-83109709. Esia: 031 91938824. Hp: 0817321024.
Favorite Books A cooking school or culinary school is an institution devoted to education in the art and science of food preparation. It also awards degrees which indicate that a student has undergone a particular curriculum and therefore displays a certain level of competency. Cooking schools are often associated with public restaurants where a student can acquire experience in working in a real environment and perform in many roles.