The Draftnik
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On Blogger since January 2007
Profile views - 3722
My blogs
- NFL Business News Blog | National Football League
- NFL Draft Magazine - With Bill Carroll And Bill Chachkes
- NY Football Digest
- A couples Escape from NY-By Annrose & Bill
- Vlogger Zennie62Media CEO
Gender | Male |
Industry | Communications or Media |
Occupation | Indp. Football Scout/Fmr Educator |
Location | In transit, NY/AZ, United States |
Introduction | FMr. H.S. Special Educator/Job Coach/Asst. Dean for terminally insane teens. Fmr. FB coach. Obtained Medical Retirement. Writing my first book that has nothing to do with Football, which consumes the rest of my life.... |
Interests | Macintosh computers, Music, Digital Photography, handheld computing, FOOTBALL, Macintosh computers(didn't i just say that??) Podcasting/Internet radio, Travel, Smacking stupid people so hard they might just get smarter. Telling parents how horribly they have managed to screw up their son/daughter's life. Stopping unwanted pregnancy by scaring the crap out of under aged special ed students from having sex in the back stairs of a 107 year old school building on Manhattan's lower east side. |
Favorite Movies | Too many |
Favorite Music | Classic Rock, Prog. Rock, JAzz Fusion, Blues, JAM rock |
Favorite Books | Too Many because I read 700+ wds per min. |