Silk Road Nomads

My blogs

About me

Industry Publishing
Occupation Coffee Drinkers, Turkish Food Explorer
Location Istanbul, Türkiye
Introduction What started out as a short 2 to 3 year jaunt along the Silk Road has grown into a lifestyle that has us passionate about crisscrossing this corner of the world. Now in our 7th year of wandering Asia, our family motto remains the same... "Once the door of our home closes, no matter where we are, we are the happiest family in the world."
Interests The Silk Road, Asia, Coffee, Central Asian History, Espresso, Islamic Culture, Kafe, Bedouin Hospitality, Khave, Reading, Mocha, Joe, Foreign Flicks, The Coffee Bean, Grinds, Caffeine, The Roof of the World, Did We Mention Coffee?
Favorite Movies The Razor's Edge (Tyrone Power), The Long Way Round, Lord of the Rings, The Long Road Home, Pride and Prejudice, Alot Like Love, Lonely Planet, Addicted to Love, Anything "Bond", Tomb Raider
Favorite Music Norah Jones, PCD, Andrea Bocelli, Il Divo, Hakim, Aerosmith
Favorite Books The Razor's Edge, Trespassers on the Roof of the World, Foreign Devils on the Silk Road, Ride to Khiva, The Adventures of Ibn Battuta

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

What "Alarm Clock"?