Steve Greenfield
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Engineering |
Occupation | Electronics Engineering Technician |
Location | Washington, United States |
Introduction | At 9 years of age, I decided I needed to choose between going into science or technology as a career. I chose technology, but have never stopped being a science enthusiast. I tend to throw myself into whatever I'm working on, thinking about it at every spare moment. I love building things. Especially if it involves electronics. I like building my own test equipment when I can't find someone already making exactly what I want. Starting in my teens, I built and sold capacitance meters, amps, and alarm systems of my own design. I like to build "working" props. Things that make noise, lights, and move where appropriate. I was building things you'd call steampunk or Teslapunk long before such names were put on them. I've been involved in taking things apart since I can remember, and putting them back together for nearly as long. I used to build space ships out of appliance boxes, complete with control panels with lights and levers and bubbling test tubes creating oxygen (and hydrogen, lucky nothing blew up!) |