Piso Mojado

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About me

Industry Fashion
Occupation Director of Plaid Pants
Location Washington, DC, United States
Introduction I have been writing pieces that address sociological and scientific moral issues for two decades. After the last few years of the farcical war on terror and the politics of absurdity, I have decided that it’s time to stop banging my head against the imperturbable wall and start laughing at my bloodied, bruised skull.
Interests reading and writing inscrutable texts, finding rounding errors in our national debt, dental hygiene, and civility (personal and international).
Favorite Books L'Œuvre d'Art à l'Époque de sa Reproductibilité Technique, Portrait of an Artist as Young Man, Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: An Introduction, Invisible Man, Tristram Shandy, Madness and Civilization, Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, The Education of Henry Adams, The Innocents Abroad, Of Grammatology