James Allen Hart b. April 1950

My blogs

About me

Occupation Retired
Location Bangor, ME, United States
Introduction Why The Heart of the Matter? Getting to the heart of something, anything, requires ignoring the surface, the irrelevant, the superfluous. It means deepening one's understanding, relating, getting to the essence. It can also mean going where the heart lives, the part of our lives that's about relationships, caring, giving and loving. These are what drives the writings here. I find writing hard. Composing a few sentences in email can take an hour or more. So, why now? From 40 years of experience, study and reflection, I have some thoughts, ideas and observations that may be worth sharing but have had no venue. While blogs have been labeled "an exercise in narcissism", this isn't a blog in the sense of a chronological journal. Rather, it's ideas and opinions on a wide range of topics, and I hold out hope that what I write here will be of some value to someone.