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About me

Gender Female
Industry Business Services
Occupation STATISTICS CANADA * PSE - 2014 -to- Present (Ex. Adm. Director) * Nursing (V.O.N) - Resignation (2018/10/01)
Location London, Ontario, Canada
Links Audio Clip, Wishlist
Introduction I have embarked on a new journey, researching, writing & publishing content based on empirical observation through the eyes of an Artist/Photographer/Nurse/Advocate using my skills gained from life long education. In 2018 I graduated from Humber Lakeshore Campus with Degrees in Social Science & Criminal Justice.. Thereafter, continuing to build my WordPress website; further publishing works based on, Observations of social systemic inequality in society... Resulting in Article writing & Journal Publications--- Extending to Proposal development and Program implementation. I'm an artist registered with London & Toronto Arts Council as well as Neighborhood Arts Network. I'm also a professional living and working in the City of London, Ontario, Canada.
Interests Enjoy nature, the outdoors, sunset, mountain peaks, comedy, rainbows and more. I also indulge in photography, music, poetry & story writing (mostly non-fiction).
Favorite Movies One that comes to mind is; Blood Diamond. This movie drew my attention when I was creating this content, because it highlights pain, suffering and Human greed for buying, or wearing Diamonds and the origin of Diamonds.... I have no use for Diamonds..there are many other stones that are equally beautiful and does not cost your life savings, and was not brought to you through blood shed!. .
Favorite Music I enjoy a wide variety of Pop music, Modern Country & Cultural Mix.
Favorite Books Not up on fictional--I'm more into non-fiction health magazine, the news, YouTube, Google Scholar, Google Search Engines, CP 24, CBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, etc.

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

What do you consider a great day? Accomplishments & Devotion!... "Interest & Hobbies" --- Education oriented - always seeking out new challenges. I studied Certificate & Diploma Nursing programs and worked in this field for many years! In 2018, I obtained Degrees in; Social Sciences -&- Criminal Justice. I'm also an Artist, a Blogger, Writer, Photographer & Social Media Enthusiast.