Lynn Stevens
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Neelz Expressionz
- Kissing Tiny Flowers......
- Art and Soul
- Art-Without-Anxiety
- Pixels and Paste
- Soft Side of Sandi
- Feline Playful
- Crafts and Beyond
- J. Nichelle Vintage Holiday
- LOTSA SCRAP from 2amscrapper
- Michelle Palmer
- Scrapmad
- "A Stamper's Touch" Gayle Page-Robak
- *Queen Bee Cottage*
- 2 Bags Full - My adventures in travel, knitting, and the blessings of my every day life.
- 52 Apothecary Shop
- A Bit of Colour
- A Crafting Journey
- A Delightful Waste of Time
- A Little Bit French
- A Little Inkling
- A Penny for your Thoughts
- A Robin's Nest
- A Simpler Life
- A Vintage Chic
- A Vintage Fairy
- A Vintage Journey
- Adorningly Yours...
- Alaskan SapphireRose
- Altered Alchemy
- Altered Visions
- Amaryllisroze
- An Artful Adventure
- An Artist's Life
- Angela N Harris
- AngelicaS
- Anna Rosa Designs
- Anne's paper fun
- Another Fabulous Day
- AppleApricot
- Art and Inspirations
- Art Bead Scene Blog
- Art By Wanda
- Art by Wendy
- art freebies archives
- Art From The Heart
- art from the well
- Art of Mine
- Artful Affirmations
- Artful Observations
- Artfully Musing
- ArtJoyStuff
- Artyjen
- artZhodgepodge
- As Happy As.......
- Assemblog of Michael deMeng
- Audrey's (Hippieaud's) Blog - PEACE, LOVE & CRAFTING
- Autumn's Antics
- barton originals
- Bella Creations
- Bellamere Cottage
- Beyond Just Black and White...paper crafting projects
- Birdnuts Mixed Media
- Blanc et Caramel
- Blessed Serendipity
- Blessings from Cindy
- Bliss Habits
- blissfullART
- Blog Challenge Garden
- Blooming Ideas
- Bluebird Paperie
- Bolton House
- Breathing beside Us
- Brynwood Needleworks
- Bumblebees and Butterflies
- BungalowBling
- Cabin & Cottage, etc.
- Cards by Jasann
- Carol Fox - WeLcOmE 2 mY wOrLd
- Carolyn's Creative Whims
- Cat Kerr
- CFlovesRB
- chameliarts
- Change of Heart
- CHRIS RICE COOPER BLOG is ART and HUMANITY Framed In The PhotoFeature Story
- Cinderella Hemion
- Cinderella Henion
- Cindy Adkins...Art, Books, Tea
- Collagevisions
- Colorful Adventures
- common ground
- Connie Eyberg Originals
- Cottage Dreams
- craft-addiction
- Crafts-International
- Crafty Chris
- Creager Studios
- Create With Joy
- Created By Ann
- Createology
- Creating...My Style
- Creatique Candy
- Creative Chatter
- Creative Grammie
- Creative Solace
- CreativSpirit
- Crimson Heart Studios
- Crowns & Pearls
- CuriousnCraftyTreasures
- Cynzplace
- Dallying Debz
- Daphne Nicole - Lynda Cade
- Dawns Craft Place
- Dean Designs
- Denise Yezbak Moore
- Designs by Lisa Somerville
- Designs By Terri Gordon
- Dezinaworld
- Dezinaworld Challenges and Gallery
- Disguised as a Grown-Up
- Distractions
- Divita Knies Art
- Dollys daydreams
- Dragonfly Dreamers
- Dragons Lair Designs Challenge Blog
- dreamingincolor
- easily amused, hard to offend . . .
- Eclectic Etc.
- Eclectic Visions of an Altered Journey
- Elegant Economies
- Ellen's Scrappalace
- Emily Leyland
- Ephemera's Attic
- Fairy Footprints in the Sand
- Fairy's Gate
- Fashionable Stamping Challenges
- FiFi's Daughter
- Filigree Moon
- Finnabair
- Flying Unicorn
- Freckle-Face Printworks
- from the studio of dorothy donna parker
- Frosted Petunias
- GC Tweens
- Gigi's Imagination
- Glitter Tart Designs
- Green Paper
- Halle's Hobbies
- Halloween Folk Art by Melissa Valeriote
- Happy Daze
- Happysnappy, a storyteller with a camera
- Haunted Design House
- Healing Woman
- Heather A Hudson
- Her Creative Spirit
- Home and Heart
- Honey Girl Studio
- I am... Dreaming of Castles
- I Been Thinkin'... 'Bout Inkin'
- I need to stamp
- ImagiMeri's
- Indybev
- Ink It Up Stamp It Out with Cathy Edgar
- Ink on My Fingers
- Ink Stains
- inkypinkycraft
- Inspiration of the Day
- IRIT SHALOM- Craft addict
- It's All Treasure
- Jacqueline's Craft Nest
- janita
- Jill Marcott-McCall • Feathers & Flight -Mixed Media & Digital Artist
- Jill Ruth & Co.
- jillayne wickware
- Jo Blogs
- JoAnn's Holiday Frivolities
- Journey into Artistry
- Julia's Inspirations
- Julie's Open Window
- Junibear's Jottings
- Junkin Gypsies
- Just Cuttin' Up
- Just Jingle
- Kard Krazy
- Katalina Jewelry
- Katemade Designs
- Katsui Jewelry
- Kips cards
- Kitten Creates
- Kitty And Me Designs
- La-De-Dah
- Lambsworld
- Landofnodstudio's
- laughing with angels
- Laurie Hardin
- Layers of Color Art Stamps
- Lazy Cowgirl
- Le Mysterieux Carnival
- leaflizard
- Lemoncholy's flight of fancy
- let the beauty we love be what we do
- Liesbeth's Arts & Crafts
- Life On the Seesaw
- livewire jewelry
- Lost Bird Studio
- lost in cardland
- Lots To Do
- love of collage
- Lovely Linda's Craft Central!!
- Lucky Me...
- LuLu Kellogg
- Made By Joanne
- Made by Sannie
- made with aloha, hana,maui
- maggiescontrolledchaos
- Magic Moonlight Free Images
- Magnolias and Moss
- Mikey Fuller | Interiors
- Miss Paper Jane
- Mixed Media Art Class
- Mixed Media Manic
- Mixed Media Vintage
- mixed media with Oxana
- momentsinaneye
- Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas
- Ms Misantropia
- Mud Hound Studio
- Musing Studio
- My Artful Adventures
- My Arty Attempts
- My Crafty Life...
- My Happy Place....
- My Paper Daisy
- my paper playhouse
- My Thoughts, My Life
- My world...sort of...
- Nan's Niche
- nelly vintage home
- neonsnakeskin
- Netty's Craftings
- New England Stamper
- News from good goods & co
- Nostalgic Collage'
- Not a Moment to Spare
- occasional scrapper
- Oh, Alice!
- Oh-La-La Textures
- Olde Curiosity Shoppe
- One Lucky Day
- Orphaned Decor
- ozma of odds
- Ozstuff Online
- Pages in Time/Purses and More
- Paint Party Friday
- paper crows and dragonflies
- Paper Matters
- paper paint & pixels
- Paper Paradise
- Paper Profusion
- Papercraft Pleasures (my personal blog)
- Paperfanatic
- Parlour Made
- Passionate about Crafting
- Pat Langley, All About Art
- Patina Moon
- patinamarie
- Patti Edmon Artist
- Peachy Papercrafting
- Petite Michelle Louise
- Pieces of Fate
- Pieni Sammakko
- Pinkadoo
- Pippinsnest
- Pixie Hill
- Plant's List
- ponto zero
- Pretty Ragged Threads
- puddin n pie
- Queen of Grunge - Artwork by Gerrie Johnnic
- QueenBesAlteredNeeds
- Quick Tattletails
- Random Creativity
- Red Rose Alley
- Retired and loving it
- Retro Café Art Gallery
- Retro Revival
- RhondaMum
- Riki Jewelry
- Romancing The Artist Within
- Romancing the Bling
- Rosa & Josie's
- Rosewood Cottage
- Ruffles and Relics
- Running with Scissors
- Rusty Rooster Vintage
- Sandy Davis
- SaturdayVille
- Savvy Sisters Studio
- Scrap Happens Here
- Scrap Like There Is No Tomorrow
- Scrap Paper and Glue
- Scrap with Stacy
- Scrapbooking My Life
- ScrappinBears' Studio
- Scrappygal's Scraphappenings
- Scrolls Work
- Seeing Things
- Selenarte - Passion For Decoupage
- SH Blog
- Shabby chic papirskatter
- Shabby Hag Shop
- Shabbyfufu
- She Dreams Big!
- She Who Stamps and Scraps
- Sherry's Simple Blog
- Simon Says Stamp and Show
- Simon Says Stamp Blog!
- Simply Nordic Designs
- Socrates lace books, beaded jewelry, and art
- Something Special
- Southern Girl...Northern Woman
- Southern OOAKS
- Spun by Me
- Stamp with Stephanie
- StamperBee
- Stampin D'Amour
- Stamping by H
- Stamplicity
- starrgazer creates
- Steam Tea Travels
- strange enchantment
- Studio L3
- Suitable for Framing
- Sunday View
- Suzanne's Papercrafting
- Suziqu's Threadworks
- Suzz's Stamping Spot
- Tabitha Lenox Art...
- tarnished and tattered
- Tattered Chick
- Tattered Treasures
- Terry's
- TFJB Inspiration Ave
- The Paper Girls
- The Altered Alice
- The Altered Inker
- The ART and Musings of ShellyRaeWood
- The Artful Maven
- The Artist In Me
- The Artistic Stamper
- The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog
- The Beach House Gallery
- The Cheerful Stamp Pad
- The Flutterby Crafter
- The French Cupboard
- The Gathering Nest
- The Hobby Room (Michelle Webb)
- The Ink Trap
- The Laughing Magpie
- the old white house
- The Paint Splash
- the Polka Dot Barn
- The Sparkly Fairy
- The Stamp Man
- The Stampsmith
- The Stampsmith Challenge
- The Technique Trail
- The Technique Zone
- The Vintage Texan
- theresa mARTin artwork
- Things I Learn From BEAR
- This little place
- Thriving Art
- time worn interiors
- tinas art adventure
- Tracy Evans
- Trash to Treasure Art
- trashtotreasureart
- Treasures from the Heart Store
- True Colours
- Tumble Fish Studio
- Under a creative spell
- Unruly PaperArts
- V I N T A G E O L O G I E
- Vada's Blog Stamp Inks and Paper
- Victoria's Art Visions
- Victoria's Mellifluous Musings
- villabarnes
- Vintage Arabesque
- Vintage ClubHouse
- Vintage Dragonfly
- Vintage Figments
- Vintage Images
- Vintage Inspired
- Vintage Page Designs
- vintagesusie & wings
- Vintiquities
- Vintiquities Boutique
- Vintiquities Market
- When The Sun Comes Out
- Where the Grass is Greener...
- Whimsical Musings Magazine
- white life ©
- Whymsicalmusings
- Wild Frog's Artwork & Creations
- Winging It With White Swan
- Wish You Were Here, Mom
- Wood And Fabric
- Workman Scraps
- Xelas Art
- Yours Artfully
- ~ The Feathered Nest ~
Location | Kuna, idaho |
Introduction | Hi I'm Lynn ,I have been married to my wonderful husband for 36 years WOW. Has it been that long? I also have a grown son,thats married and have two adorable Grand babies. I try to find time when I can to play. Can't wait to see what else life will bring me!! Click here to email Trash to Treasure Art |