mike in tokyo rogers
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Introduction | Music/TV/radio/anime-related program producer. In music since 1977 as lead vocalist with legendary Los Angeles Punk Band, "The Rotters" (Sit on My Face Stevie Nix.). Former assistant to the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer (Rodney on the ROQ - KROQ Los Angeles from 1980 ~ 1981.) First and only foreigner in Japanese history to become the General Manager of a major Japanese broadcasting station (TV Tokyo owned InterFM). Has produced a few smash hit programs and several of Japan's highest rated and most famous radio programs. Recent Smash Hits were "The TV Show" (Set Program with "Ninja Slayer") which, between April - Oct. 2015, garnered over 10 million viewers. Produced,directed and hosted “Good Morning Garage” and "WTF?" the smash hit live shows on InterFM 89.7 Wrote and produced full-length motion picture "Ghostroads - A Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story" which was released by a Japanese major motion picture company and in theaters all across Japan in Oct. 2017. Currently “Yoko’s Grapefruit” the Avant Guard movie with Ken Nishikawa, Henry Morse (DP), Kevin Hammontree, Natsuki (as Yoko) and Junji Naito. |