Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith
My blogs
- Dr. Bill Shares
- The Homeplace Saga
- Aux Arcs Observer
- Coon Rapids Bayard (Iowa) Alumni
- The KINNICK Project
- Dr. Bill's Lifestyle Blog
- Worldwide Genealogy ~ A Genealogical Collaboration
- Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
- Dr. Bill on Retirement
- Dr. Bill's Book Bazaar
Blogs I follow
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- Colorado Reflections
- The Pendleton Genealogy Post
- 'Tis All Relative
- 'Village Life in Kreis Saarburg, Germany'
- (going) The Extra Yad
- (Mis)Adventures Of A Genealogist
- (The) Ladybug Lounge formerly Msslaydbug
- (what is this?)
- ...Genie Thoughts
- // - LA FEMME READERS - //
- 101 Things in 1001 Days
- 14th Annual Family History Day at the California State Archives
- 1625 Lincoln Avenue
- 21 Pages: YA Book Reviews
- 21 Pages: YA Book Reviews
- 365 Days of Genealogy
- 89 WW1 Heroes
- :: C R E A T I V E G E N E ::
- <b>Wishful Linking Family History Blog</b>
- <br><br><br><br><br>Eff-Stop Local: <i>Small-Radius Travel</i>
- <center>Axe for the frozen sea</center>
- <center>Searching Every Corner, Researching Every Turn</center>
- @PageTurnersBlog
- [Family] History is the lie commonly agreed upon
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- Apple's Tree
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- Are You My Cousin?
- Arkansas Roots: The Stories of my Family
- As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves
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- Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My!
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- centralpagenealogist
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- dkaysbiblestudy
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- Dr D Digs Up Ancestors
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- Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
- Dr. Bill's Book Bazaar
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- dycusburg.com
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- Elgin Genealogical Society
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- Enchanted by Josephine - ART &amp; HISTORY Salon
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- Enjoy The Time Left
- Entomology of a Bookworm
- Erica's Adventures in Genealogy
- Every Man a Quotation
- Everything's Relative - Researching Your Family History
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- Family History Day at the California State Archives
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- Family Tree Frog
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Education |
Occupation | Retired Professor Emeritus, ESU |
Location | Hollister, Missouri, United States |
Introduction | I have stories to tell. Blogs are one of my tools; see below. If you find a common interest, I invite you to become a "follower." Also see Google Profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/billsmith2003 |
Interests | Family, genealogy, writing, social history, photography, business acumen |
Favorite Movies | How the West was Won, Sound of Music, Centennial |
Favorite Music | Ballads, Country, Blue Grass |
Favorite Books | Hemings at Monticello, most Revolutionary War books, several mystery series |