Nik Nimbus

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Arachnerd
Location United Kingdom
Introduction I am not an expert in this field. I am merely fascinated with the many species of Arachnids that inhabit the UK and beyond. They are incredibly complex, very fragile and beautiful creatures, that are very much misunderstood. I recently joined the British Arachnological Society, which I greatly recommend to anyone interested in the subject. I am using the Collins Field Guide to Spiders - Britain and Northern Europe by Michael J. Roberts and Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe by Dick Jones. Also the Field Studies Council Guide to Harvestmen of the British Isles. I am learning how to identify Spiders ,as close as possible without the use of a microscope. I hope to further my knowledge greatly in this field. I will be updating each post as I gain more knowledge. I receive invaluable help, advice and inspiration from Peter Harvey of the BAS. Many thanks to Gary Bradley from who originally got me started on this quest. I began photographing Spiders in 2009 using an LG Viewty mobile phone camera with a pocket magnifier held against the lens. I have been using a Nikon Coolpix 4500. As of 24.12.16 I will be using a Pentax K-x with Tamron 90mm Macro lens.