40 Pearls

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction My name is Catherine. I am a wife to a wonderful hubby and a mom of two mischievous, fun boys, Jaden and John. I am also an accountant and CPA with almost 20 years of experience. I love motherhood and I'm so grateful that I got the chance to be a mom. The truth is that I did not always look forward to being a mother. The idea scared me for a longtime, but I am thankful I got over my fear and God was gracious enough to me to give me the opportunity to be a mom. I love to share what I know. Upon turning 40, I started to do facebook lives to share lessons from my life or from those around me. So 40 Pearls started as a way for me to introspect on what I had learned on my journey to 40 years old. After sharing on and of, I recognized I needed to give 40 Pearls a home. 40 Pearls has grown into a space for me to share on topics I love including motherhood, home, career and more. I hope that my sharing will be a blessing to you in one way or another.