Diabolu Frank
My blogs
- The Flame of Py'tar
- Crisis Building
- The Justice League Blogosphere
- Justice League Detroit
- DC Bloodlines
- Power of the Atom
- The Idol-Head of Diabolu, a Martian Manhunter blog
- Diana Prince as the New Wonder Woman
- ...nurgh...
Blogs I follow
- Twitpic / Mike2112McKone
- Armagideon Time
- Atomic Surgery
- Being Carter Hall
- BronzeTigerblogspot.com
- Comics Make Me Happy!
- Coming Super-Attractions!
- Continued on 2nd Page Following
- Crimson Lightning
- DC Bloodlines
- DC Comics of the 1980s
- Digital Femme Online
- Dispatches from The Arrowcave
- Diversions of the Groovy Kind
- El Jacone's Comic Book Bunker
- Every Day Is Like Wednesday
- Firestorm Fan
- flameape.org
- Flowers & Fishnets
- Four-Color Shadows
- Giant-Size Geek
- Girls Gone Geek
- Gone & Forgotten
- Jim Shooter
- Kevin Nowlan
- Kingdom Kane
- Marshal Law
- Once Upon a Geek
- Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine
- Power of the Atom
- Pretty, Fizzy Paradise
- Ragman - DC's Tatterdemalion of Justice!
- Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man
- Robert Atkins Art
- Sentinel of Liberty
- Silver Age Comics
- Splitting Atoms
- Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD ( Task Force X )
- Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues!
- Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
- Swamp Thing 101
- the (new) vinyl villain
- The Absorbascon
- The Anti-Didio League of America
- The Aquaman Shrine
- The Atom
- The Comic Book Catacombs
- The Factual Opinion
- The Marvel Super Heroes Podcast
- The Quality Companion Companion
- The Thought Experiment
- Todd's Blog
- Tommy Tejeda
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Medical |
Location | Houston, TX, United States |
Favorite Movies | Pulp Fiction, Before Sunrise/Sunset, George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead, Heathers, American Beauty, Braindead, Network, When Herry Met Sally... |
Favorite Music | The Cardigans, A Perfect Circle, Veruca Salt, Beatles, Suzanne Vega, Elvis Presley, the Cure, Juliana Hatfield, Depeche Mode, Lyle Lovett, Luscious Jackson, Nirvana, Prince, Otis Redding, Smashing Pumpkins, White Stripes, 60's country and soul... |
Favorite Books | Reference, comic, and magazines. |
Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?
Does it count if I lie? If not, I just go public and let the chips fall where they may. If so, I don't do any crusading a'tall.