Georgina Popescu

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About me

Gender Female
Location Somewhere..., Romania, Austria
Introduction I am an optimistic pessimist who believes there are not so many things wrong with our contemporary reality, that cannot be fixed with a good meal and a loving heart.
Interests Travelling, exploring cultures and people, writing and cooking.
Favorite Movies 'Dead Poet's Society', 'Starman', 'Sound of Music, 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Gone with the wind', 'The Rock', 'The Fisher King', Monte Cristo, Fringe, ... should I stop now?
Favorite Music Sarah Brightman, Sting, U2, Queen, Maria Tanase, Jezebel, Strauss, Bon Jovi, Metallica (some of...) - and other that would fit in similar type.
Favorite Books Used to love mistery books (Edgar Wallace), classic knight tales, Coelho, UFO & Earth mistery documentaries. Nowadays I read whatever catches my attention - different styles and authors. Whenever I read.

Come up with some possible band names for your group that features a washboard and a styrofoam tuba.

Miracles Happen