John Lambshead
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Monty's Wargaming
- Tides of War
- Revolutionaries
- + Figs-Freak +
- 1/72 Ancient Wargames
- 19th Century Sudan Wargames Armies 1883-1885
- 20mm Gamer
- 20th Century Wargames
- 28mm Victorian Warfare
- 313th Drop Troop Regiment
- 40K Battle Report Blog
- 42nd Cadian
- 7th Day of Creation
- ::Forge 40k::
- A J's Wargames Table
- A little paint here... A little paint there....
- A Steampunk Reverie
- A Wargaming Gallimaufry
- Admiral Drax
- Adventures In Lead
- Adventures In Miniature Gaming
- AFV 1/72 miniatures / Marcin Nowogrodzki modelling blog
- AJ's Wargaming Blog
- All Things 40K
- Anarchy's Heart
- Andy's Wargaming Blog
- Angel GiraldeZ
- Another Slippery Slope
- Anton's Wargame Blog
- Ashley R Pollard
- Aviation of Japan 日本の航空史
- Baber on wargames
- Bag The Hun
- Battle Game of the Month
- Big Boy's War Room
- BigLee's 'Miniature Adventures'
- Bleaseworld
- Blight Wheel Miniatures
- Blitzspears Lab.
- Blogs of War
- Blood, Fire and Death
- Bolt Action .Net- The Unofficial home of the Wargame by Osprey and Warlord Games
- Brummie's Wargaming Blog
- BrummyLad's World of Painting
- Bunker Talk
- Cadian 8th Standard Bearer
- Call to Arms
- Camp Cromwell
- Captain Hieronymus Bartholomew's Impossible Fossils
- Carmen's Fun Painty Time
- Chainfist
- Chicago Skirmish Wargames
- Chris' Miniature Woes
- chromedog's blog
- Classic wargaming
- Cold War Gamer
- Cold War Hot Hot Hot
- Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues
- Colonial Wargaming
- concept ships
- Constantly Risking Obscurity
- Conversions by steck
- Corvus' Miniatures - painted sf and fantasy miniatures by Gerrie Schenck
- Craig's Wargaming Blog
- Crush The Kaiser
- Cursed Treasures
- Da Long Wayz Dezert Groop
- Dalauppror
- Dampf's modelling page
- Dark Ages Wargames Armies
- Dartfrog's Adventures in 6mm and such
- davetaylorminiatures
- dead lead project
- Dear Tony Blair
- Delta Vector
- Devon Wargames Group
- Devos IV
- diceRolla
- Dick Garrison's Amazing Interplanetary Adventures
- Digital Expressions
- DLI's Workshop
- doctorphalanx
- Don't Throw a 1
- Don't Throw Bloody Spears At Me!
- Dramatic Endeavors
- Drunken Samurai Painting Blog
- Dulce et Decorum Est
- Dunc's Persistent Tangent
- Dust, Tears & Dice
- Dux Homunculorum
- Einar Olafson Painting
- England Prevails...
- Exponent wargames
- Faeit 212
- Fantorical
- First in Peace, First in War, Furstenburg...
- Flips Miniatures
- Four Colour Super Minis
- From the Warp
- G.E.M.
- Gael Ridire/Irish Knight
- Games Workshop modeling blog
- Geheimkrieg
- Genesis40K - Warhammer 40.000 blog
- Geordie's Big Battles
- Gloranthan Army
- Goblin Lee's Miniatures Blog.
- Going on Campaign
- Greg's Little Wars
- Gunners wargaming
- Hammer and the Sword
- Harness and Array
- Hephesto's Forge
- Herefordshire 1938
- Heresy30K - The Horus Heresy Blog
- Heroes of Armageddon
- History in 1/72
- Huronw40k BOLDAVIAN insurection
- I have wrought my simple plan...
- I Live with Cats
- Inso's World
- Iron Legion
- Ishi's Imperium
- Itty Bitty Soldiers
- Jacksarge Painting
- James Wappel Miniature Painting
- Jay's Workshop
- Jezza's Blog
- Jim's Wargames Workbench
- Jipin
- John's Toy Soldiers
- Just Add Water
- K.M.B.!
- Kevin's Miniatures & Hobby Table
- Land of the Lead
- Lascannons&Lances
- Laughing Ferret
- LBB Studios
- Le Nabot Ivre
- Lead Bones
- Lead Gardens
- Legatus' Wargames Armies
- Legio Minimus
- Les Guerres Extraordinaires
- Level 2
- Little lead men of valour
- Lohwand
- Love, Dice and Paintbrushes
- LUDstuff!
- M A Comley, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
- MacPhee's Miniature Men
- Mad Genius Club
- Mad Puppet Area
- Mark's Journal
- Mark's wargaming - anything but a one!
- Matt's gaming page (Glenbrook Games)
- Mek It So
- Mik's Minis
- MilPub
- miniafv
- Miniature Mayhem
- Misbehavin' Librarian
- Mithril Wisdom
- Modus Reg Magni Momenti
- Mordian 7th Regiment
- morksminis
- Move to Contact
- Mr E Models
- Mr Lee's Painting Emporium
- Musings of a Smurf
- My Ever-Growing Armies
- My Little World Of Dementia
- Natholeon's Empires
- Nautica - for Warhammer fantasy battles
- Nord's Painting Saga
- Notes From The Bunker
- Numbat :: In Miniature
- Oldhammer Fantasy Battle
- Olicanalad's Games
- One 72nd Fantasy Figures
- One Painter's Crusade
- Order Minoris
- Other Wars
- Outside The Universe Itself
- Paint Pot Procrastinator
- Paint your Toys
- Paint-it-Pink
- Painted Tin Miniature gaming
- Paintermeister's painting blog
- PanzerKaput's Painted Review
- Panzerserra Bunker- Military Scale Models in 1/35 scale
- Paul´s Bods
- Perspectives in (human) ecology
- Peter's Cave
- Phil's Wargames Stuff
- Phinster's Gaming Blog
- Pick a Damn Army!
- Plastic Legions
- Plastic Zombie
- Porky's Expanse!
- Raiders of the Blood Serpent
- Red Planet Miniatures
- Redcoats on Mars
- Redirecting To New Site -
- Redscorps' Red Scorpions
- Return to Darkest Africa
- Roundwood's World
- Santa Cruz Warhammer
- Santa Cruz Warhammer Historical
- Scarylion Sucks At 40K
- Screwed Up Dice
- Sea Kings and Horse Warriors
- Secret Weapon Miniatures
- Sharp by Nature
- Shaun's Wargaming with Miniatures
- Shed Wars
- Sippin' On Paint Water
- Sixty Metal Men
- Slaves To Darkness
- Small Scale World
- SmallScaleOperations - Wargaming Moderns, Historical and Sci-Fi with 15mm, 20mm and 28mm Miniatures
- Soapy's Workshop
- South London Warlords
- Sparker's Wargaming Blog
- SpiralingCadaver
- Stadtheim
- Static Painting
- Steam Lords: Freeport Edition
- SteelonSandBlog
- Stuck Between Stations
- Subject to Stupidity
- Surf Shack Gaming
- Table Terror
- Tabletop Fix
- Tabletop Wargames Blog
- Tales From Farpoint
- Tales From GHQ
- Terran Forge
- Teun135's Miniature Wargaming
- The workshop
- The Anderson Collection
- The Angry Lurker
- The Astronomican
- The BigRedBatCave
- The Blog of Paul Genesse
- The Burning Sands of Syrtis Major
- The Complete Greek Geek
- The Dane's Wargaming Blog
- The Dark Mechanicum
- The Dark World of Geekdom
- The Dilettante Gamer
- The Duchy of Tradgardland
- The Historical Angle
- The Hopeless Gamer
- The Inner Geek
- The Lensman's Children
- The Literary Project
- The Mad Padre's Wargames Page
- The Man Cave
- The Manufactorum
- The Megalomaniac (Mwhaha)
- The Nauticans for Warhammer Fantasy Battle
- The Painting Corps
- The Raz File
- The Realm of Zhu
- The Renaissance Troll
- The Steadfast Tin Soldier
- The Unforgiven
- The Vanus Temple
- The Varcan Cluster
- The Very British Civil War Miniatures Guide
- The War Event
- The Wargame Shed
- The Zone - Sci Fi Thrill in 15mm
- Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog
- Tom's Toy Soldiers
- Too Much Lead
- Tower of Heroes
- Toy Construct
- Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles
- Trouble At T’Mill - a wargaming blog
- Tsuba Miniatures
- turkishtoysoldier
- Ubique
- Ultrawerke
- Unlucky General
- Vampifan's World of the Undead
- Victoria's Boys in Red
- Vintage Wargaming
- VSF and 15 mm Science Fiction Gaming
- WAB Corner
- War and Game
- Warfare in the Age of Steam
- Wargame News and Terrain
- Wargames & Stuff
- Wargames With Toy Soldiers: 1685 - 1985
- Wargaming for Grown-ups
- Wargaming Girl
- Wargaming hell
- Wargaming Rediscovered
- Wargaming Tradecraft
- warhammer 40k blinde
- Warhammer 40k Miniatures in Guatemala
- Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Conversions and Painted Miniatures
- Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures Gallery
- Warlords of Mars
- WarPaint Studio
- Warpstone Flux
- WeeMen
- Weird WWII
- Wessex Games
- Wessex Games
- Winter of '79
- Workforced
- World in 1/72 Scale
- World War 20mm
- WW2 - Somewhere in France
- WW2 Small Scale Miniatures
- Yours in a White Wine Sauce!
- ZeroTwentythree
Gender | Male |
Industry | Museums or Libraries |
Occupation | Professor (Biology) - SF&F Author |
Location | Medway Towns, Kent, SE England, United Kingdom |
Introduction | I am now in semi-retirement from my profession and so able to work as a writer and indulge my hobbies of military history and wargaming with toy soldiers. |
Interests | Science, History, Wargames, Warhammer, Motorsport, Science Fiction, Fantasy |
Favorite Movies | Bladerunner |
Favorite Music | Currently listening to: Lily Allen |
Favorite Books | Treasure Island |