My blogs
- Tumblewords
- Summer Haiku 2009
- 2000 Mythsteries & Other Pithy Shorts
- Sue Turner's Art
- Summer
- Winter
- Autumn
- Spring
- Spring Haiku 2009
Blogs I follow
- 2000 Mythsteries & Other Pithy Shorts
- a wild patience
- Ackworth born, gone West
- Beloved Haiku Dreams
- Cadan Henry's Blog
- carry on tuesday
- Cassiopeia Rises
- Catapult to Mars
- chronicles of me, abb
- Dream Genie..
- Durward Discussion
- four winds haiga
- Friko's World
- Greeting Card Designer
- Happy Tiler
- Hootin' Anni's Day Trippin'
- Inside the HoneyComb
- It's a Snap !
- just writing words
- Letterpress
- living in the middle
- LuLu's Petals
- My Poetic Path
- one
- People You Know By Heart
- Pics and Poems
- Q's Corner
- Sagewind Voices
- see haiku here 観る俳句
- Signed.....bkm
- Sing your own lullaby
- Sixth In Line
- Small Reflections
- Starting Today: poems for the first 100 days
- Still Standing on her Head
- Tell a Tale
- The Best of My Life - Its Ups and Its Downs
- The NaiSaiKu Challenge?
- Turner Page
- Word of the day! <br>Fresh! Fresh! Fresh!
Industry | Arts |
Location | Idaho, United States |
Introduction | My left brain turned right about a decade ago when writing and painting replaced gainful employment. All work is copyright protected. |
Interests | watercolor, words, Internet, conversation, summer, summer, summer, family, friends |
Favorite Movies | Dr. Zhivago |
Favorite Music | Leonard Cohen, Chopin Nocturnes, most disco, almost anything 'older' |
Favorite Books | Each day has a new favorite. Once in awhile I find a book I don't particularly care for and it lasts a little longer than others. |