Ginger Taylor
My blogs
- Adventures in Autism Merchant & Product Review
- Lives Lost to Autism
- Adventures in Autism
Blogs I follow
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Mommy |
Location | Maine |
Introduction | Autism Mom, Writer, Speaker, Advocate, Activist, Therapist, Conservative, Christian. |
Interests | Ginger Taylor is an author, speaker, new media writer and activist. She writes on the politics of autism, health, vaccination, informed consent and both corporate and government corruption Co-Founder of the Canary Party, Ginger is a former Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in adolescent and family therapy and holds a Masters degree in Clinical Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. Her son Chandler regressed into autism following his 18 month vaccinations. In 2009 she served on the steering committee of the first Maine CDC Autism Conference to educate medical professionals on the current state of research and treatment of autism. Ginger serves on the Executive Leadership Team of, is the founder and former Director of the Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice and has authored legislation on vaccination in the state of Maine. She is a co-author and contributing editor of the book Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed Biased Science and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights Our Health and Our Children. Ginger was honored with the Health Freedom Hero Award for 2014 from the National Health Federation for her work on health choice and parental rights. |
Favorite Movies | Like I have time to see movies any more. I write about corruption. For corruption to work, secrets must be used. In our little world, this most commonly takes the form of undisclosed conflicts of interest. And boy do we have lots of problems with those. As I write about them so much, and as my focus has been turning from mostly writing to more and more activism, I want to be sure that I list the groups with which I am affiliated so that I am not guilty of what I get so angry at others about. And really, because of the nature of bloggers, we are not paid, objective journalists (not that even paid journalists are objective anymore), but citizen journalists with a point of view, the readers sense of where their "journalism" stops and their "activism" starts is important in how to process the information and what to use to make decisions for their own lives, right? I have always feared being a Paul Offit, who fails to mention his millions in vaccine sales while posing as a mere doctor to deny vaccine injury. So I have never made a living off of blogging. But more recently, since the whole, David Gorski spends five years bashing the biomed/vaccine injury community while not mentioning that he is doing work for vaccine maker Sanofi on cancer uses for a drug that also has potential uses in autism... well that is just one more reason I don't want to be a Gorksi. So I am going to declare as potential conflicts of interest anyone who has ever given me so much as a hug. cont... |
Favorite Music | I am one of the founders of the Center for Personal Rights, and Greater Brunswick Special Families. My husband owns Maine Bunk Beds. I identify with/have worked on projects with/have been supported by/have done business with/have been a member of/am friends with or just really like: The National Autism Association, The Autism Action Network (formerly A-Champ), TACA, Dr. Harold Grams, Autism One, Kirkman, Age of Autism, SafeMinds, Autism File Magazine, EBCALA, Our Kids, NVIC, Generation Rescue, FAIR Autism Media, Unlocking Autism, Life Health Choices, anyone you even see an ad on my site for. Also any of the speakers at the American Rally for Personal Rights: Michael Belkin, Judith Converse, MPH, RD, LD., Louise Kuo Habakus, Boyd Haley, PhD., Mary Holland, JD., Robert Johnston, PhD., Abdulkadir Khalif, Robert J. Krakow, JD., Amy Pingel, Captain Richard Rovet, RN, BSN, B-C (USAF ret)., James S. Turner, JD., William Wagner, JD., Andrew J. Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath., Twila Brase, RN, PHN., Maureen Drummond, Alex Hintz, Barbara Mullarkey, Alan Phillips, JD., Allen Tate, Sherri Tenpenny, DO. There are probably more that I am forgetting. I will try to remember to add any other groups that come to mind that would likely be potential conflicts of interest and that are entities that I have written about our might write about. But if you have questions about any of my financial or other dealings in this arena, please feel free to ask. And of course if my activism ever becomes salaried activism, I will certainly post that here. 6/1/11 - I said that if that I ever became a paid activist I would let everyone know. I served as the full time (paid) director of the Canary Party in 2011 and 2012 (and in Feb of 2013) and became the (unpaid) Vice President of the Canary Party in the fall of 2012. (Initial disclosure here: Visit us at |
Favorite Books | 4/16/14 UPDATE I completed my paid position as Canary Party ED in September of 2012, and then took the position again for one month 2/13 to fill in for the ED who had fallen ill. I resigned my (unpaid) position as Canary Party VP at the close of 2013. As of today, I have taken the (paid, part time) position of Director of Media at Health Update: I resigned my position as Director of Media in Jan 2015 to focus on my unpaid position as Director of the Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice to fight the bills introduced to restrict and remove vaccine choice rights in Maine. |
You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
I would put the whole bag of marshmallows in to the fire to make one big fluffy marshmallow, then use it for a pillow and take a nap.