Mike Brady

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Campaigns and Networking Coordinator
Location Cambridge, United Kingdom
Introduction One of the key moments in my life was walking away from my well-paid job with a defence contractor as a new graduate in electronic engineering. What we used to call the Gulf War had just ended - the war between the (US-armed) Iran and Saddam's (US-armed) Iraq. My boss was depressed. Peace was bad for business. Time to go, I thought, or I may end up the same way. Hitched around France and Spain. Came back and worked for a while as an engineer improving the efficiency of diesel engines, then left to do Voluntary Service Overseas in Malawi, Africa. First as a secondary school science teacher, then an engineer for the Ministry of Health. Came back and took at 6 month post at Baby Milk Action - ten years later I'm still here. It's the most satisfying, depressing, infuriating, positive job. Read my blog. My wife, Sonia, is a Brazilian paediatrician - we met through the International Baby Food Action Network. So we spend some time in Brazil - a wonderful, energetic, harsh paradox of a place.