Sweet Tooth Lulu

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Dentist
Location Columbus, IN, United States
Introduction Hi, my name is Luciana. I am a tooth decay fighting dentist by day, sweets making baker by night. :) I reside in a small town in Indiana. My interest in baking started when I was pregnant with my daughter. I would get very strong cravings for sweets, mainly cakes, at odd times of the day and night. I would have to send my poor husband to the grocery store to get something to satisfy my weird cravings. Then I decided that instead of buying so many cakes (and driving ourselves into bankruptcy from all the extra spending), I should bake them! So I started trying my hand at different recipes, and fell in love with it. Now I just can't wait to try new recipes all the time! Now whenever I get an itch to bake, I whip out my handy-dandy mixer and bake to my heart's content! The staff at my dental office really love to see me bring in treats (in the beginning they were more like my guinea-pigs/taste-testers) and it helps to not have to eat everything on my own.