DuWayne Brayton

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Student
Occupation We shall see Xur, we shall see....
Location Portage, Michigan, United States
Links Wishlist
Introduction I am a single dad, single mom, all rolled into one. I am studying psychology and communication, with a smattering of international studies thrown in the mix, at WMU. I am the mentally ill parent of two beautiful boys, both of whom have their own issues with mental illness. And I frequently use strong language. If you are not comfortably with that, this is probably not the place for you.
Interests learning, reading, writing, science, history, Arthurian legend, celestial mechanics, nano-tech, wet-ware, Rome, bio-tech, what is often reffered to as the "supernatural" but in many situations really is completely natural but not understood
Favorite Movies "The Power Of Myth" Bill Moyers interviews Joseph Campbell, "Boondock Saints" Troy Duffy, "Memento" and all Chris Nolan's films, "Hero" Zahng Yimou and Tony Ching Siu-Tung watch it a second time without subs in Chinese
Favorite Music Jethro Tull, Rush, Niel Young, Eric Anderson, Joni Mitchel, Alice in Chains, Temple of the Dog, Mad Season, James
Favorite Books I'll go for authors, Frank Herbert, Robert Hienlien, Carl Sagan, Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Agatha Christy, Dennis Lehane, Elmore Leonard, Louis La'mour, what can I say, I love reading books....

You moved the pot before the coffee stopped brewing. Do you smell the mountains or the burro?

The hell? I don't even use a pot to brew, I put the filter basket right on my very large coffee cup. And if I tried to move it it would spill. OTOH, I smell the bloody mountains of course.