DuWayne Brayton
My blogs
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Student |
Occupation | We shall see Xur, we shall see.... |
Location | Portage, Michigan, United States |
Links | Wishlist |
Introduction | I am a single dad, single mom, all rolled into one. I am studying psychology and communication, with a smattering of international studies thrown in the mix, at WMU. I am the mentally ill parent of two beautiful boys, both of whom have their own issues with mental illness. And I frequently use strong language. If you are not comfortably with that, this is probably not the place for you. |
Interests | learning, reading, writing, science, history, Arthurian legend, celestial mechanics, nano-tech, wet-ware, Rome, bio-tech, what is often reffered to as the "supernatural" but in many situations really is completely natural but not understood |
Favorite Movies | "The Power Of Myth" Bill Moyers interviews Joseph Campbell, "Boondock Saints" Troy Duffy, "Memento" and all Chris Nolan's films, "Hero" Zahng Yimou and Tony Ching Siu-Tung watch it a second time without subs in Chinese |
Favorite Music | Jethro Tull, Rush, Niel Young, Eric Anderson, Joni Mitchel, Alice in Chains, Temple of the Dog, Mad Season, James |
Favorite Books | I'll go for authors, Frank Herbert, Robert Hienlien, Carl Sagan, Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Agatha Christy, Dennis Lehane, Elmore Leonard, Louis La'mour, what can I say, I love reading books.... |
You moved the pot before the coffee stopped brewing. Do you smell the mountains or the burro?
The hell? I don't even use a pot to brew, I put the filter basket right on my very large coffee cup. And if I tried to move it it would spill. OTOH, I smell the bloody mountains of course.