Mike D.

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About me

Gender Male
Location BK All Day, NY, United States
Interests I like Movies, Sneakers, Comics, Cartoons, Sneakers, Clothes, Sports, Movies, Music, Books, Sneakers, Shopping, TV, Movies... Does anyone see a pattern developing here?
Favorite Movies The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Anything Kubrick, Anything Tarantino, A Good Majority of The James Bond Collection (C'mon some of them sucked ass), The Evil Dead Trilogy, Empire Strikes Back, Clerks I and II
Favorite Music Hip Hop, Reggae, 80's, RnB, Classic Rock, I'll give anything a listen once
Favorite Books The Count of Monte Cristo, The John Carter of Mars Saga, Where'd You Get Those, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Behold a Pale Horse, Stanley Kubrick: The Complete Films, Watchmen, Batman: The Long Halloween