
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Really? In one word?
Introduction Let me give you a piece of my mind. Or perhaps more than just one piece. Here are a bunch of little pieces. Let me dump them out on your screen. Put them together and you can see the big picture of who I am: Wife, homeschooling mother, homemaker (with an aversion to cleaning), friend-in-training. In general, a person with too many interests to be an expert at anything. So take my little mind-pieces and fit them together and be patient if there are a few wrong ones thrown in. What puzzle doesn't have a few?
Interests (A preface: these are mere interests, not successes). Art, music, health and nutrition, cooking/baking, mothering, teaching, "wifing", not cleaning, website administration, pretending I can code and be geeky, ignoring the clock too often, and just generally staying alive and well. Oh, and writing. But you already knew that. Okay then, to be more specific: writing in my own voice and not attempting to write in another's, no matter how jealous I may be of their poetic-ness.
Favorite Books The Bible (again, an obvious inclusion), Mere Christianity, When You Rise Up, One Thousand Gifts, The Heart of Wisdom, Dumbing Us Down, Hints on Child Training. This list to be edited and revised regularly, as new favorites are discovered.