Yuya Joe College

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Internet
Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Introduction I am a Cerified Investment Manger with extensive experience in the investment and internet industries. My passion is clean energy as a path to peace, including solar power, wind energy, geothermal power, biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, wave power and tidal power. I also enjoy standardbred horse racing and studying the breeding of harness horses, both pacers and trotters. Finally, I love to write and sing!!! Toward a sustainable, energy-efficient ecological society, with diverse green energy sources and a decentralized grid of distributed power generation including fuel cells, natural gas microturbines, geothermal energy, photovoltaics / thin-film solar, windpower and small-scale hydro.
Interests I am available for consulting services and can provide research reports for: * companies * municipalities * provinces / states plus country and region reports. Also available for legacy planning for world leaders including heads of state and CEOs. My Blogs include: www.WindIntell.com, www.SolarIntell.com, www.Geotherma.info, www.AGreenRealtor.com, www.HarnessHorses.info . Enjoy!