John P. Young

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Teacher / Writer
Location California, United States
Introduction Writer and teacher. If you like this, you can also follow John at and
Interests 1. Friendly, thoughtful people who enjoy good conversations. 2. Reading books. 3. Writing Stories. 4. Golfing in southern California. 5. Vegetable gardening.
Favorite Movies Pulp Fiction; anything with Jack Nicholson; The Hours; Star Wars (all of them); Seven; Blazing Saddles; Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Gene Wilder); Jerry Maguire; Vanilla Sky; Cocktail; Grease; Carrie; [this can go on and on, can't it?]
Favorite Music I enjoy listening to the acoustic guitar. Eric Clapton is great. Jack Johnson is one of my recent favorites. I can listen to Jazz and Blues any time. Like many people, my overall tastes are pretty eclectic.
Favorite Books The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, East of Eden, Jude The Obscure, The Adventures of Augie March, The Kite Runner, The Secret Lives of Bees, Harry Potter series, Animal Farm, The Catcher in the Rye, Death of a Salesman, The Great Gatsby, The Heart of Darkness, The Old Man and the Sea, White Oleander (geez, this can go on and on, too]