Matt Gottlieb / משה גוטליב

My blogs

About me

Introduction I am your typical (whatever that is) guy originating from Columbia, SC. I grew up next to my synagogue. This afforded me many opportunities to be involved. I re-formed our USY chapter and served as president. I graduated high school, got married and planned to be a Rabbi. Life has twists and rather than becoming a rabbi, became disconnected uninvolved for many years. I had kids, moved to Utah and the Mormon missionaries pushed me back into the Synagogue. (I guess they lost points on me) Somewhere in there I had also moved to Atlanta and found lots of Jewish things to be involved in. I became involved in Mosaic (Jewish Outdoor Club) and eventually was President of the local club and on the national board. On a hike, I heard about a volunteer program, Sar-El, and thought it sounded cool, so I went to Israel and volunteered in the army. At my shul, I helped re-start our Men's club, then became regional VP and then President of the Region. I have moved back to SC. This year is full of changes for me and my family: I have a college graduate, a new son-in-law, a grad student and two high school seniors, oh yeah how could I forget my grandbaby (Jessica and Tyler's cat...) and my aliyah