Saying It Simply

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Custom Crafting
Location Utah
Introduction Simply stated...our creations can help you remind those around you to ~LoVe~LauGH~Be KiND~ BE GRaTeFuL~MiND THeiR MaNNeRS~AND to CELEBRATE FAMILY, FRIENDS, MEMORIES, HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS!
Interests Giving people what they want, Making thoughts a reality, Filling dreams, Seeing smiles
Favorite Movies any chick flick to keep us burning the midnight oil after our 7 children have shut their peepers
Favorite Music anything we can sing along with... it's gotta get the heart pumping!
Favorite Books aDoRed MaRTHa STeWaRT'S KIDS-Would Love to get our hands on past copies...Real Simple AND Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse