My blogs

About me

Occupation Design & Lifestyle
Location Toronto, Ontario , Canada
Introduction You might find me with clients decorating an interior space or working on custom builds from the ground up. I love being at home with my partner in life, Mr. Roman J., prepping dinner for our small family or entertaining a larger group as we love to do. Sometimes it'll be quiet time baking with my daughter, Little Miss K. A lot of times you will find me out and about with my incredible group of friends in this amazing city I am proud to call my home, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I feel most blessed practising yoga with my best friend, my sister, known as Nettina. I have found joy in the daily ritual of setting intentions and meditating. I have a passion for travel photography, trying to capture all the beautiful memories whenever possible. Everything that has brought me to where I am now on this journey is about living my best life authentically from the inside out.
Interests Enthusiast of Coffee, Wine, Food & Travel.
Favorite Movies La La Land, Marriage Story, Forrest Gump, Schindler's List, The Pianist, Slumdog Millionaire, Fargo, Life as a House, Dirty Dancing, Grease, A Star is Born, Moana, Up, Drive, The Princess Bride
Favorite Music Anything Live, Top 40, chillout lounge vibes, french cafe sounds
Favorite Books To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Pride & Prejudice, Tuesdays with Morrie