Blogs I follow
- Socrates' Book Reviews...
- 2010 Bibliophilic Books Challenge
- <center>Ink and Paper</center>
- A Few Minutes With Michael
- A Great Book Is The Cheapest Vacation
- A Novel Source
- A Turn of Page
- A Vintage Cottage Home
- Alabama Book Worm
- Aliteratus
- All About {n}
- Amanda (AnotherBookJunkie)
- Anna's Adornments
- Anne-Marie with a dash
- arch thinking
- At Home With Books
- BA Reading Challenges
- Barney's Book Blog
- Bella is reading . . .
- Best O' Books Reviews
- Beth Fish Reads
- Book Critiques
- Book Reading Inn
- book'd out
- Bookfan
- Booklover Book Reviews
- Books and Needlepoint
- Books Are Like Candy Corn
- Books We Read
- BooksPlease
- Boonie's Thailand Photos
- Boyett-Brinkley
- Brianna Wilcox
- Brinkley's Place
- Brinkley's Place
- Busy Moms Who Love to Read
- Buttery Books
- Carol's Notebook
- Chaos and Contentment
- CMash Reads
- Country Wings in Phoenix
- Debbie's Book Bag
- Debra's Book Cafe
- Desert Rose Booklogue
- Destination Well-Read
- Dog-Eared Book Reviews
- everything distils into reading
- Faded Bookmarks
- Flushed with Rosy Colour
- Framed &amp; Tagged
- Freda's Voice
- Fresh Ink Books
- Friday Fill-Ins
- From the Shadows
- He Followed Me Home . . . Can I Keep Him?
- Home Girl's Book Blog
- Hospitality Lane
- I Meme It
- ilovelove nude girl
- Inside Mo's Mind
- Inside of a Dog
- iShoppe
- Jenny loves to read
- Jenny Matlock
- Jo-Jo loves to read!!!
- Just A (Reading) Fool
- Just Me
- Knitting and Sundries
- Kristen's Book Jungle
- Life in the Thumb
- Living In Williamsburg, Virginia
- LoneStarPrep
- Mari Partyka
- Missy's Book Nook
- mlhall.com
- Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf
- Musings
- My Country Roads: Wild and Wonderful
- My Enchanted Home
- My Ever Expanding Library
- Mysteries and My Musings
- New Blessing Everyday
- Notebook Stories
- Office Supply Geek
- Page After Page
- Paper Pens Ink
- Passages to the Past
- Peeking Between the Pages
- Petty Things In Life
- Philofaxy
- Plannerisms
- Popin's Lair
- Presenting Lenore
- Proud Book Nerd
- Pudgy Penguin Perusals
- Puss Reboots: A Book Review a Day
- Reading Challenge Addict
- Reading Freely
- Rose City Reader
- Sara Cat writes / Sara Katt skriver
- Sarah Reads Too Much
- Savage Reflections
- Scatter Cushions
- Scribble &amp; Scatter
- Senior Moments
- Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews
- She Treads Softly
- Smiling Sally
- So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
- Southern Girl Reads . . .
- Southwest Cottage Designs
- Starlight Blog
- StyleFake: British Lifestyle Blog.
- Sylvia From Over The Hill
- Tangled Up in Blue
- Tea Time with Marce
- The Book Nook
- The Book Zombie
- The Boston Bibliophile
- The Clip Cafe (Photo's and Craft)
- The Crazy Life of a Bookaholic Mom
- The Doll Cafe
- The Fickle Hand of Fate
- The Library of a Distracted Musician
- The Literate Housewife Review
- The Paint Splash
- The Quintessential Magpie
- The Social Frog
- The Year in Books
- Thoughts from Meme's Corner
- Travels and Wandering
- Treasures from the Heart
- True Book Addict...Books, Cats, and More
- Under The Boardwalk
- Weekend Street/Reflections
- Wendi's Book Corner
- White Iris Designs
- Wicked Wonderful Words
- Words on Paper
- Wordsmithonia
- Write for a Reader
- www.booksthoughtsadventures.com
- zukan
Location | Alexandria, Virginia, United States |
Introduction | Aging flower child |
Interests | Good books, Family history, Doll collecting, Growing old disgracefully |