
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Consulting
Occupation Mama and Allergy Coach
Location Columbus, OH, United States
Introduction Still in the learning curve trying to figure out how to balance time spent with the kids and time spent on housework. Goal: nurtured kiddos and house that the health department won't shut down. Oh, and juggle the allergies too. We avoid: dairy, eggs, nuts, chicken, rice, sesame, soy, chocolate, kiwi, banana, avocado, oat, coconut, gluten, and DOGS. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it?
Interests allergies, parenting, baking, educating, reading, ADD, coffee, chocolate, relaxing on the porch swing
Favorite Movies Empire Records, Pretty Woman, and any movie that leaves you smiling at the end without making you cry first.
Favorite Music Hero, by David Crosby is my favorite song. I currently like James Blunt, Jack Johnson, and John Mayer. Eclectic tastes range from Oldies to Ozzy and the entire spectrum in between.
Favorite Books The Outlander series by Dianna Gabaldon is incredible! And I just finished the whole Twilight series. I want more.