Learn English with Lucky

My blogs

About me

Industry Education
Occupation English Teacher
Location France
Links Wishlist
Introduction I'm passionate about teaching English and believe that with the right materials and a positive attitude, students will succeed. I'm an American mom of two children, married to a Frenchman. I've spent my life in France since 2004. I've been teaching English to preschool and primary school children for over 12years. I've also taught junior high and high school students, university students, young workers, experienced professionals and retirees. Literally every age! My general philosophy is that students need to be enjoying themselves. Learning can be fun. I design the materials for my classes with this in mind! Lucky is a nearly seven-year-old Parsons Russell Terrier. He's smart, adorable, and he is passionate too--mostly about what he can find in the trash!
Interests I believe that a fun song, a great craft or an inspiring game is what kids (and some adults!) need to succeed in English class.
Favorite Books Anything by Marian Keyes