Robert Pasternak

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Visionarium
Location Winnipeg, Canada
Introduction Robert Pasternak was born in Winnipeg where he continues to live and work. He is a truly unique character inside and outside the visual arts, building a long and diverse career. Pasternak can be described as a colourful eccentric who moves seamlessly from graphic design and inventive new novelty products to hand drawn portraiture, metaphysical paintings and science-fiction illustration or to hand-processed film and collage with found materials. Guided by a mix of new age philosophy, comic book ambition, and a fundamental belief in the interconnectedness of events and all things, Pasternak creates a makeshift universe where his work and audience can meet. His studio and personality reflect this practice, filled with salvaged material, vintage memorabilia, and millions of projects on the go.
Interests Hawkins cheezies, candy/novelties packaging, metaphysics, monsters, sci-fi, comics
Favorite Movies 2001, Fahrenheight 451, PRIMER, King Kong
Favorite Music YES, Tangerine Dream, HAWKWIND, Rush, BREATH GRENADES, Jean Michelle Jarre, Radiohead, Mahogany Frog
Favorite Books The Crysalis by John Whyndham, The Great Divorce by C.S.Lewis, Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, SACRED MIRRORS by Alex Grey, VIEWS by Roger Dean, Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes