magick mike

My blogs

About me

Location San Francisco, CA
Introduction Solarâ–²Luxuriance Press
Esotika Film
Favorite Movies pentimento, mil sexos tiene la noche, serene velocity, dirty, muscle, eden and after, corruption, victory over the sun, sombre, martyrs, the most important thing is love, vicente aranda's fata morgana
Favorite Books thomas ligotti, martin vaughn-james, john hejduk, michel butor, tony duvert, C.F., michel houellebecq, dennis cooper, georges bataille, anders nilsen, christian bok, alain robbe-grillet, kathy acker, marguerite duras, semiotext(e), adolfo bioy casares, susan sontag, antonin artaud, dash shaw, assorted critical theory bullshit, h.p. lovecraft, jg ballard, jesus ignacio aldapuerta