
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Location United States
Introduction I am just a geeky guy who shares info he finds.
Interests Computers, PC games, Books, Cars, Movies, Music, BBQ Grilling
Favorite Movies The Goonies, Sneakers, 12 Angry Men, Usual Suspects, Die Hard, District B13, Firefly, Hackers, Fast and Furious, Shaolin VS. WuTang, 5 Deadly Venoms, Matrix, Predator, Aliens, Seven, Thomas Crown Affair
Favorite Books Ghost in the Wires, MetaSploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide, Stealing the Network, Dissecting the Hack, Milk in my Coffee, Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Deceived, Fresh For '01... You Suckas: A Boondocks Collection, Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boondocks Collection, Boondocks: Because I Know You Don't Read The Newspaper