My blogs
Blogs I follow
- "We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All"
- 25YearsToLiveLife
- A freshly brewed life
- A Nickel's Worth of Common Sense
- Ain't That Sherific?
- Ask Anna...
- Blessed by Our God
- Busy Intersection
- Call Me Crazy...
- Ceyja's Days
- Crawford Life & Times
- Crayon: creating a life out of cHaOS
- Domestic Charm
- Ear in the Envelope Inc - Metal Stamping Jewelry Blog
- Family Times
- Feeding-a-bunch-a-Munchkins
- Fighting for my Children
- From Foster Child to Social Worker
- From Survival to Serenity
- Gallivant Family
- Home: a soft place to fall
- how many is enough?
- I So Cannot Make This Sh!t Up
- I'm looking for baggage that goes with mine...
- Isenhart Zoo - Projectchimp #13 speaking
- Journey to Being a Normal Little Kid
- Last Mom
- Life in Go Land
- Life in the Grateful House
- Life in the sauce
- Mama Drama - Times Two
- Momma Drama and the Little Divas
- Monkey Trouble
- Ms. Firecracker
- Muddling through Mayhem
- Musings of an Evil Social Worker
- My Lemony Life
- Nine is Fine
- On Our Way
- Our Adoption Journey
- Our Crazy Life
- our family happenings
- Postcards from Insanity
- R.A.D. Mom's telling it like it is
- Raising Alyssa
- Ramblings of an FAS Dad
- SchizoAutismTourettes-itis
- Stellar Parenting 101
- Tales from the Coop Keeper
- Tales from the School Bus
- That's What SHE Said....
- The Final Maze
- The Immodest Lady
- The Other Mother's Blog
- The Ramblings of Rolladyke
- This Work Stinks
- Thoughts from a Foster Family
- Traumatized Adoptive Parents Support
- twist and shout
- Watching The Waters
- With Love from Sumy
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Domestic Goddess |
Location | Deep South, United States |
Introduction | I am the mother of 10 children, 6 are part of a large sibling group we adopted through foster care in 2006, 2 are our grown foster daughters, 2 are from independent infant adoptions in 2001 and 2008. Every one of them have their own issues to work through from Schizo-Affective Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Complex PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, ADHD, and Cerebral Palsy. Most of our children have been victims of sexual abuse by a close family member, most acted out sexually or exhibited predatory behaviors. We are currently trying to figure out where the trauma ends and mental illness begins in each of their lives. |
Interests | Spending time on therapists waiting rooms, making numerous therapy appointments, shutting the bathroom lights off for the hundreth time each day, flushing toilets ramdomly, IEP meetings, constantly reassuring my children this is for real, teaching my children to play appropriately, wiping faces or noses too many times to count, and shopping for the many items the kids need for tomorrow that they forgot to tell me they volunteered me to bring. |
Favorite Movies | I have no choice in movies anymore and am at their mercy. |