DT the ET
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | Metaphysician |
Location | Boulder, Colorado |
Introduction | I am an Arcturian who crossed oceans of time and space to get to Terra Gaia where I began my Mission as an incarnating soul over 22,000 years ago and this is my last lifetime in the lower dimensions. My current body was born in NYC (the Big Toroid) in 1949. I walked into it in 1961, just in time for all the fun, and since then I have lived in New York State, Amsterdam, Aspen, and The Peoples Republic Of Boulder. Some say I'm allergic to reality but I regard my aversion as a conscious choice. Undergraduate work was done at the State University of New York where I majored in the Leary-Alpert Altered States Curriculum with a Minor in History. Graduate work was done at the University of Amsterdam in Registered Nursing . Post Graduate studies in Tibetan Buddhism (life-long) under the Ven. Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, His Holiness The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Suzuki Roshi and a very long list of compassionate Incarnate Tibetan Lamas. For the last 4 years I have been totally absorbed in preparing for and facilitating the Planetary Ascension of Terra Gaia and the evolution of Homo Sapiens into Homo Galacticus. |