Keiko T. Olds

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Glass Fragments light stand, Brocken glass art, etc…ガラスの破片のオブジェ製作
Location Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., United States
Introduction Born and raised in Setagaya, Tokyo, an area filled with film studios. When she was in junior high school, she became interested in theater and joined the drama club. Since she wasn't cut out to be an actor, she worked hard on lighting, directing, and props. After that, she worked as an assistant, assistant, and facilitator at an art production studio. After that, she started studying law and took the national exam three times, but failed every time. During that time, she was deceived by her American husband and ended up moving to the United States permanently. 映画撮影所が立ち並ぶ東京世田谷で生まれ育ち、中学時代から演劇に興味を持ち演劇部に入部。役者には向いていなかったため、照明や演出、小道具などを勉強。その後、美術制作会社で助手、アシスタント、進行役として働く。その後、法律を学び始め、国家試験を3回受験するもすべて不合格。その間、アメリカ人の夫に騙され、アメリカに永住することになる。
Interests Trial and error, playing with my pet Crow Simba, smashing or cutting glass bottles, making YouTube animations, and so many other things. 試行錯誤,ペットのカラスのシンバさんと遊ぶ, ガラス瓶叩き割りor切る, YouTubeアニメ製作, その他いっぱいありすぎて極められない
Favorite Movies Blue velvet, scissor hands, 戦場のMerry Christmas, A.I., DUNE, The Hidden, Twin Peaks