Atsuro Chiba
My blogs
Introduction | Atsuro Chiba has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over ten years. He has been studying Ashtanga Yoga with Tim Miller for twelve years to continuously deepen and advance his knowledge and experience of the practice. He has completed 4th Series in 2015, and he is currently learning 5th Series. He is grateful to be able to share his knowledge of practice all around the world based in San Diego, California. 千葉淳郎はアシュタンガヨガを10年以上実践し指導している。ティム・ミラーのもと12年間に渡りアシュタンガヨガを学び深い知識と実践経験を積み重ね、2015年に4thシリーズを終了後、現在5thシリーズを実践中。カリフォルニア州サンディエゴを拠点に世界中で活動し自身の培った知識と経験を共有できることに感謝している。 |