Raymond Bechard

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Gender Male
Industry Communications or Media
Occupation Author, Speaker, Television Producer
Location United States
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Introduction Raymond Bechard is an Author, Producer and Human Rights Advocate. He has worked to end injustice against all people for over twenty years. Bechard often advises social justice organizations in their mission to bring hope and encouragement to the world. Among other writings he is the author of the recently published books, “The Berlin Turnpike: A True Story of Human Trafficking in America,” (TheBerlinTurnpike.com) which is a close, historical examination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and its place within all American communities, and “Unspeakable: The Truth Behind the World’s Fastest Growing Crime,” an expose of Child Trafficking in all its forms around the globe. Now, he is producing "Honor Bound," a television series telling the previously untold stories of the US military’s humanitarian work throughout the world. (HonorBound.tv)