Jeff Lindsay
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | Intellectual Asset Strategist |
Location | Appeton, WI, United States |
Introduction | I'm the lead author of Conquering Innovation Fatigue (with Cheryl Perkins and Mukund Karanjikar), a John Wiley & Sons book on innovation strategy, intellectual asset strategy, and the personal journey of innovators.
At Innovationedge in Neenah, Wisconsin, I'm Director of Solution Development where I help companies with intellectual asset strategy, new product development, and innovation. Formerly was Corporate Patent Strategist at Kimberly-Clark Corp. and Associate Professor at the Institute of Paper Science and Technology on the Georgia Tech Campus. I'm a registered US patent agent and active inventor myself. Also see, the blog for the book. Follow me on Twitter (jefflindsay). See my profile at LinkedIn. |
Interests | Disruptive innovation, new product development, ideation, business model development, business method patents, security technology, RFID, patent law, science. |
Favorite Movies | Patent Wars, Return of the Trolls, Wisconsin Jones and the PTO of Doom, Raiders of the Lost IP Estate |
Favorite Music | The wailing of shut-down counterfeiters. |
Favorite Books | Open Business Models by Henry Chesbrough, The Future of Knowledge by Verna Allee, Brothers Karamazov, The Bible, The Book of Mormon |